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INDI Strategy 2022-2026

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Welcome to the 2022- 2026 INDI Strategy.  This is the second strategic document that the INDI has developed and is designed to build on the achievements and learn from the challenges of the past.    Whereas the 2013 strategy was revolutionary in terms of approach and impact, this is evolutionary, but we are confident that it will be no less impactful. 

This strategy had extensive input from all sectors within the dietetic profession and went through a robust consultation process . The feedback you provided has been incorporated in to the version that you see today. While we reflect on ourselves, we must also look outward and place this strategy and the profession into context of the health service and patients that it serves 

We are happy to bring this to you and look forward to  continuing  to work with you, and for you, to advance the nutrition and dietetics profession across the island of Ireland.

Jennifer Feighan, INDI CEO May 2022
