Caroline O Connor
Caroline O Connor
Solid Start
About Caroline O Connor
Hi, I'm Caroline O'Connor.
I'm a registered dietitian specialising in baby, children and family food, feeding and nutrition. And I'm also a board-certified lactation consultant, and mum of four!
You can book online through my website
Caroline O Connor performs Private Consultations and Corporate Consultations with Infants(0-3), Children(4-9), Children(10-12) and Teenagers(13-18).
Consultations take place Online.
Clinic Consultations, Referrals and Specialties
- Anaemia
- Behavioural food aversion & Fussy eaters
- Breast feeding advice / support / services
- Coeliac disease & Dermatitis Herpetiformis
- Early feeding & weaning advice
- Feeding clinics for babies and toddlers
- Healthy Eating and general nutrition
- Infant feeding - Artificial / bottle feeding
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome in children/adolescents
- Nutrition before
- during and after pregnancy
- Vegetarian & vegan diets
- Weight management in children/adolescents